Serena Tierney welcomes all-party consensus on PRH services
Speaking at a meeting of local health campaigners, Serena Tierney, Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman for Mid Sussex, welcomed the recent change of heart and recognition of the very real threat to services at the PRH by local Tory MPs:
"In the light of the increasing probability that we will lose the A&E service and the continuing fragility of the maternity service at the PRH, I welcome the recent support of local Tory MPs. This is an issue that is far too important to be party political. The all-party consensus that now emerges in Mid Sussex can only strengthen the opposition to the threats to our local services."
Services at the PRH have been under attack ever since the Mid Sussex health authority was combined with Brighton under the leadership of Christine Field the then Chairman of the Health Authority and Tory Chairman of Mid Sussex District Council. That was the biggest blow to people in Mid Sussex retaining control over their local health services. At the time, Liberal Democrat health campaigner Councillor Anne Jones led the campaign against the proposal and collected 38,000 signatures on a petition opposing it.
Since then, service after service has been removed from the PRH and sent to Brighton. Some, such as the paediatric service were moved without any consultation whatever. Others, including the emergency trauma service were the subjects of bogus 'consultations' that were completely ignored by local health chiefs.
In September 2004, Serena Tierney and Lewes Lib Dem MP, Norman Baker presented a 5000 signature petition to the Chief Executive of the Health Authority opposing the transfer of the trauma service to Brighton. At that time he denied that there were any plans to move the service - and then announced them a few weeks later!
Serena said:
"Regrettably, we cannot rely on health service bosses to protect our services. They are committed to the principle of centralising services. It is up to local people to fight hard enough to protect our local health services."