Cuckfield planning applications put on hold
Mid Sussex parliamentary candidate Serena Tierney today welcomed the news that two controversial planning applications in Cuckfield have put been put on hold until after the election on May 6th.
"It is absolutely right that these two very controversial planning applications are being put on hold until after the election. Both opposition parties are pledged to abolish the top-down housing requirements imposed by central government. It would be entirely wrong to push these applications through when there is a real chance that planning policy will change. I am pleased that the district council accepted the argument that 'purdah' applies here.
"Liberal Democrats would abandon nationally-imposed housing targets and return responsibility to local authorities to assess and meet housing local needs. They would go further than any other party and give residents the right to appeal when councils say 'yes' to proposals that go outside locally agreed plans.
Steve Blanch, Lib Dem campaigner for Cuckfield, added: "It's time to level the playing field for local people who are currently powerless in the face of developers. Those who have to live with new buildings do not have the same influence as those who propose to construct them. It's time to redress the balance."