Alison Bennett's Monday Mail - Serenity and Influence
Welcome to my Monday Mail for 1 July 2024, I am the Liberal Democrat candidate for Mid Sussex in the General Election on Thursday 4th July. This is my final weekly update before polling day!

The vicar of one of the churches in Burgess Hill wrote to me to ask whether there was anything I would like their congregation to pray for this week. In my reply I said that in times of difficulty the words of the Serenity Prayer speak powerfully to me.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Regardless of whether you have faith or not, I think that the words of this prayer can steady the mind when the going gets tough.
The idea of knowing where you can make a difference has been a key part of my decision to stand to be your next Member of Parliament. There are so many things in the world that are abhorrent, but as individuals we have to concentrate on that which is within our power.
This week though, the power is with you because you get to elect your next member of parliament.
But beyond putting that ‘X’ in the box, what else can you do to increase your influence over the outcome?
Here are two small things:
- Double your influence
Speak to one friend or family member and encourage that person to vote for me and the Liberal Democrats.
- Be a teller
Thank you to the many people who have already volunteered to be a teller on polling day. We still have gaps in our rotas though. If you can spare an hour or two on Thursday 4th July, please sign up here.
Thank you
Over the months I have so appreciated the support that many of you have given me in my bid to become your next MP. It simply wouldn’t be possible without you. Please do all you can between now and Thursday to help me win. Together we can make change happen, right here in Mid Sussex.
Best wishes,
Cllr Alison Bennett
Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
Mid Sussex Liberal Democrats
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