Alison Bennett's Monday Mail: Buses and Elephants

Young Carers Action Day
Last Wednesday was a real highlight of my week - as it was Young Carers Action Day. This is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the contribution that young people make in looking after their loved ones and the challenges that they face.
Touring central London on an open top bus with young carers was a brilliant opportunity to find out more about their lives, who they care for and the impact that caring has had upon their education, friendships and well-being.
The following day, I took part in a debate in Parliament about Educational Opportunities for Young Carers. 72% of schools say that they have no Young Carers on their rolls, but it is thought that there is massive under-reporting with the Carers Trust estimating that there are likely to be two young carers in every classroom. That is why I have been pushing education ministers to work with schools to ensure that young carers are identified. If they aren’t known to teachers then they can’t be given any extra support that they might need. You can read what I said in the debate here.
The Elephant in the NHS Waiting Room
On Thursday the government announced that it was abolishing NHS England. I led the Liberal Democrat response in the House of Commons, and asked the Secretary of State where the urgency is in driving through social care reform. For as long as the government delays getting on with fixing social care, there can be no revival in our healthcare system. That is why social care reform is the ‘elephant in the NHS waiting room’.
My comments were featured on the 6 and 10 o’clock news (although those episodes aren’t available on the iPlayer). However, you can watch what I said on Liberal Democrats’ social media channels including Facebook and Instagram.
On the BBC iPlayer
Belatedly, my appearance on panel show Politics South East was broadcast, and is on the iPlayer where the programme was dedicated to discussing migration.
Getting in touch
My parliamentary email address is: If you need my help, please get in touch.
Best wishes,
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